The Babadook - the Poem from the 2014 movie

Ah, I love a good Australian horror movie. This is one of my favourite ones, although the best one I've seen is "The Loved Ones." I saw this one by accident while I was on a photo shoot and had to wait for 3 hours and just so happened to have this on my laptop to watch, and ended up so engrossed I almost missed my turn to go on stage. Okay, completely off topic.

This post isn't even a movie review, this is just the Babadook poem for all those who also love poetry (read: creepy poetry.)

The Babadook Poem

If it's in a word, or if it's in a book
you can't get rid of the Babadook.
He wears a hat
he's tall and black
but that's how they describe him in his book.
A rumbling sound, than three sharp knocks
you better run, or he'll hold you in his locks.
Your closet opens
and your honestly hopin'
that he won't hear a sound
but that's when you know that he's around.
The book close
you have an itch under your nose
and that's just how the story goes.
So close your eyes and count to ten
better hope you don't wake up again.
'Cause if it's in a word, or if it's in a book
you can't get rid of the Babadook
.... you'll see him if you look
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