Top 8 Horror Movies of 2017

Looking back and reminiscing on the past year, I remember the wonderful movie journey that was 2017. As may or may not be clear by now, we mainly focus on horror movies on this page, with the occasional random rant about something else.

That being said, here’s a personal list of my top 8 fav horror movies from the past year. Because I have trouble making important decisions, this list will be in no particular order whatsoever.

1.    Happy Death Day

happy death day - best horror movies 2017

Okay, so this was hardly a horror movie – more of a horror comedy, but it was surprisingly good fun! In a horror version of Groundhog Day, our protagonist is forced to live the same day over and over, whereby sometime in the day she will be inevitably murdered. Interestingly enough, despite the horror of being murdered many days in a row, this also gives her the chance to investigate and find out who her killer is.

2.    Blackcoat’s Daughter / a.k.a February

blackcoats daughter - best horror movies 2017

This is easily not just one of my favourites from 2017 as you probably know from my review, but possibly one of my favourite horror movies of all time. Finally, we have a new take on possession, and something that has literally never been done before – not to my remembrance anyway. The movie is a slowburn horror with few jump-scares, and a couple scenes that may make the faint of heart cover their eyes (like me.) I’ll leave it at that as I don’t want to ruin anything.

3.    Gerald’s Game

blackcoats daughter - best horror movies 2017

 Surprisingly, I liked this movie even better than the “It” movie. (Netflix for the win!) To be fair, I didn’t like IT at all. That being said, Gerald’s Game was a fantastic adaptation by master novelist Stephen King – especially so, considering that the book takes place 90% inside someone’s head. Somehow, they found a way to portray that in an intriguing way, keeping the audience at the edge of their seat for the entire duration of the movie and finishing off with a fantastic finale. Great watch.

4.    Mother!

mother - best horror movies 2017
It’s actually pretty funny that this movie is on this list at all, because I haven’t even watched it! Hahaha. I heard about “the scene,” and was put off. Nevertheless, based on some other reviews of those whose movie opinions I trust, I have added it to this list.

5.    Creep 2

creep 2 - best horror movies 2017

I can’t really bring myself to go so far as to say this movie was good… but if you liked Creep 1, chances are you’ll dig this one also. A combination of sheer B-budgetness , an interesting enough storyline, and a truckload of plain ol’ what-the-fuck-ness. Similar to part 1, you’ll probably go through the whole movie wondering if you should turn it off, and the next thing you know, the credits are rolling and you’re like “hey, that was a pretty good movie…. Was it?”. Worth a watch.

6.    The Shape of Water

shape of water - best horror movies 2017
I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call this movie “horror,” but if you’re a fan of Guillermo del Toro, you’ll know what I mean. Del Toro delivers yet again in this amazing and haunting tale of romance, monsters, and a wonderful alternative universe.

7.    Life

life - best horror movies 2017

Well, I’m getting really off topic here amn’t I. Was Life horror? Don’t know, don’t care. It was fucking amazing and likely among the best alien movies I’ve seen so far. Okay, I really liked the new alien that came out this year, but that falls flat in comparison to Life. Soundtrack is amazing as well. I’ll leave it at that – no spoilers needed.

8.    IT

it - best movies 2017

I don’t really want to add this on here, as It most definitely wasn’t among my favourites of the year. However, I have added it in recognition of it absolutely slaying at the box office and doing its genre proud. It didn’t do the book proud imo, but hey, that’s what I get for reading a thousand-page book, isn’t it.

Okay, I’m bored of writing for now, so we’ll stop at 8. :D
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