Bone Tomahawk Review - The Most Boring movie

The Most Boring movie you will ever waste time watching

 Bone Tomahawk is a horribly boring movie and a waste of a good 2 hours of life. I watched this movie in good faith, due to a promising cast and many good reviews that I read prior to watching. Unfortunately, although this movie is advertised as horror, it is really, really not. Nothing happens for about 90% of the movie. A movie can be slow paced, yet still interesting, but this movie captures no interest at all and holds no suspense whatsoever.

If you value your sanity, don't bother with this movie. Unless you enjoy watching people walking aimlessly and doing absolutely nothing else, nor saying anything interesting either.

I gave this movie two stars: 1 for the 10% of the movie where something actually happened, and 1 for coming up with a kind of interesting plot (which was executed horribly.)

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