Colossal Movie Plot
Colossal begins in Seoul, Korea. A young girl is strolling outside in the evening when a giant monster appears – towering above the skyscrapers.Cut to 25 years later. (No, we have no idea what happened in Korea, what the monster is, or where it came from.)
Gloria is a party girl who losers her job gets dumped by her boyfriend due to one of her overnight escapades. Not knowing what to do, she returns home to where she grew up. The next morning, she sees the monster on the news, terrorizing the streets of Seoul. She can’t quite place it, but something is strangely familiar about this monster.
Colossal Movie Review
Okay, so since I really really liked this movie, I’m going to try to do it without giving away any spoilers. Colossal is great fun, filled with various emotions – laughter, rage, and a never ending slew of “what-the-hell-is-happening.” I don’t want anyone to miss out on those awesome moments of not knowing what the hell is going on, so I’m not even going to share the premise of the movie.The ending was predictable, but amazing nonetheless. Although I saw it coming a mile away, I still cheered when it happened.
All in all, Colossal is most definitely not your typical monster movie, and its 100% worth the two hours of your time that you’ll spend watching it. Oh yeah. Also, I used to reeeaallly dislike Anne Hathaway, but she’s really quite good in this!
Clearly, I really liked this movie. I can’t really think of a reason not to give it a 10, but I can’t bring myself to do it! Haha.Distributor: Neon
Production Company: Voltage Pictures, Route One Entertainment, Union Investment Pictures, Sayaka Producciones, Brighlight Pictures
Director: Nacho Vigalondo
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Dan Stevens, Austin Stowell, Time Blake Nelson
Music: Bear McCeary
PG13, 109 Minutes
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